PitchBlack | G-Cyan CM13/12 Theme

by altankrk


1.49 usd

7th pitchblack (G-Cyan) Grayed out edition

Combinations of dark cyan accent and dark material grey primary,secondary background and also now transparent notification panel.toggles,backgrounds are grayed out..Only for CM13-12 Theme EngineWhats Themed• Ringtone (New)• Notification sound (New)• Fonts• Framework • Navigation bar• Settings• System Uİ• Dialer• Google plus• Theme chooser• Browser• Mms• Massenger• Package installer• Play store• Documents• File manager• Audio fx• Cyanogen music app• Contacts• Hangouts• Clock• Gallery• cLock• Trebuchet launcher• Broadcast reciever• Server telecom• Calculator• And more...Screen Resolutions• small - mdpi• normal - hdpi• large - xhdpi• xlarge - xxhdpiContact• Google+: https://plus.google.com/communities/109352646351468373340• Twitter: https://twitter.com/westcrip• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/resurrectionremixromCheck out other themesHostResurrection Remix Development Combinations of dark material and dark gray accent cyan primary, secondary and also now transparent notification panel.toggles background, backgrounds are grayed out .. Only for CM13-12 Theme Engine Whats Themed • Ringtone (New)• Notification sound (New)• Fonts• Framework• Navigation bar• Settings• System of• Dialer• Google plus• Theme chooser• Browser• MMS• massenger• Package installer• Play store• Documents• File manager• Audio FX• Cyanogen music app• Contacts• Hangouts• Clock• Gallery• clock• Trebuchet launcher• Broadcast reciever• Server telecom• Calculator• And more ... Screen Resolutions • small - MDP in• Normal - hdpi• large - xhdp the• XLarge - xxhdp the Contact • Google+: https://plus.google.com/communities/109352646351468373340• Twitter: https://twitter.com/westcrip• Facebook: I https://www.facebook.com/resurrectionremixro Check out other themes Host Resurrection Remix Development - REBOOT after the installation

Read trusted reviews from application customers

5 star theme before latest update

Dave Tanquary

One of my favourites!

Gordie Margolese

Only draw back for me is the lack of a boot animation. Just a simple pb logo in the main theme color would work.

Brian Prom

Takes me back to the cm6 days. Any chance you could theme messaging app in the next build?

Steve Scott

Wrong fonts?

Kasiediss Panumonwatee

Volume/notification icon color missing(in settings). When activate "settings>pitchblack>switch theme" contacts list color black on black (in contracts app) when deactivated grey on black and is that possible to add active tiles color cyan too? And if you add boot animation, this theme deserves 5 star.

Serkan Yuksel

Perfect just missing sounds icon in settings on my ROM.

Brian Hodge

Please theme the messaging app, i dont like google messenger and hangouts they dont have quick reply function please

josey foronda

Nice theme 👍

Cordale P.